Since I've started loving DBPB [see my buzz] I've decided to do a post on the best Dear Blanks.

Sincerely, if your hand doesn't fit, then it's time to stop.
Dear Americans,
Not all terrorists are Muslim.
Sincerely, annoyed terrorist
Dear Lady Gaga,
What do you actually look like?
Sincerely, I can't tell.
Dear educated and skilled Titanic engineers,
Sincerely, Noah.
Dear Cyclops,
Do you blink or wink?
Sincerely, curious.
Dear "Recycle Bin",
Recycling what exactly?
Sincerely, I don't see my deleted pictures coming back out as rainbows.
Dear Google Translator,
Please add an Aristotle to English translation option.
Sincerely, what does this even mean?!

Dear spellcheck,
Sincerely, I have no time for your nonsense, this paper is due in an hour.
Dear Pringles consumer,
Our cans are designed that way for a reason...

Sincerely, if your hand doesn't fit, then it's time to stop.
Dear hair,
Here's the plan, I stop burning you, drowning you, and pulling you if you just automatically look gorgeous everyday.
Sincerely, fed up girls.
Dear autotune,
Thanks for the career.
Sincerely, Disney channel stars.
Dear infant me,
You were cute, what happened?
Sincerely, teenage me.
Dear Snow White,
Seriously, no one gets excited enough to sing and dance about cleaning the entire house.
Sincerely, the world.